
We guarantee full compliance with all the rules provided for by the Privacy Protection Law, explicitly confirming our careful adherence to the provisions of the GDPR Regulation n.679 / 2016 and to what derives from it, and in particular from what is contained in Articles 13 to 22, and Article 34.
Concretely: at any time, you can contact the data controller Ilaria Pedercini and Roberta Morè, at this email address: info@ilariapedercini.com for any information, correction, variation or cancellation you wish on the data concerning you.
We guarantee that the collected data will not be used for other than those explicitly agreed purposes, which if not explicitly granted will not be disclosed to third parties, and which will be stored and protected by adopting appropriate procedures. We would like to thank you for trusting us, we will process your information with care and attention.

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